Welcome Back to School


Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing summer and is now ready for a new school year.  We are going to have a wonderful time and learn many things in First Grade.  I am looking forward to a great school year with your child.

Each day will be filled with many activities to help your child be successful in school. To view your child’s grades in each class, you can visit the school’s website at any time at www.priddyisd.net and login to the Parent Portal.  The office can provide you with your password for the Parent Portal and more information, if needed.  Please contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns about your child's progress in  class.

Each day we will have a snack break. I will provide a calendar for snack/juice break beginning with the month of September that explains in more detail. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Each Friday we will have “Show and Tell.”  Your child may bring an item or a story to share with the class.

Please be aware that ZAP and D-Hall (detention) will be after school again this year.  Only students that did not do their homework or were sent to the principal’s office for discipline issues will be required to attend ZAP/D-Hall from 3:35 to 4:05. All other students will be dismissed and buses will run at 3:35. Parents must provide transportation home for students required to attend ZAP/D-Hall. The office and/or I will notify you if your child is required to stay after school.

If your child is absent from school, the office would like him/her to return to school with a note explaining the absence.  If you are visiting the school, please sign-in at the office.  This policy is to ensure safety for everyone.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this information.


I am looking forward to an exciting year full of fun and learning!  If you need to contact me, my conference time is 12:10-1:00.  You may also call me at home (325)966-3597 or at school (325)966-3323.  My email address is [email protected].